“Lord when did we see you hungry and thirsty.”  Matthew 25:44

Jesus answered, I am seen in anyone who is hungry, in anyone who is thirsty, I am in the needy, the stranger, the sick and the one in prison. That is where you see me.

When you look for Him in others, you also reveal Him to others.
And He and the Father will reveal themselves to you. John 14:21

The very nature of your faith declares that you have an obligation to those who are lost, those who are your enemies, who hate you. Luke 6:27-30

As James so powerfully declares;
What good is it, , if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? .. , faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:14-17

Your life is not counted by, “How much you believe” Or even by How much you pray” But by, How much you did for others.
Private prayer and faith are never persecuted, but the deeds they produce are.

Jesus always acted on behalf of his neighbors, to the point of dying for them. To see Jesus, you must walk in the same spirit.
And suddenly your neighbors are everywhere; all you need to do is look, and you will have an opportunity to minister to Jesus as he presents himself to you in one of His many of disguises.

The beauty of your faith in action, is the delight it brings Him to see you being present on His behalf to another.
Your goodness will draw out the hidden manna in them: a revelation of Jesus, the one who truly loves them.

In the sight of the Lord failing to do Good to another is an offense.

Therefore, let us never tire of being kind and doing good, always aware of his delight in it.