Storms create doubt.

“Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, Lord, save me!
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. You of little faith, he said, why did you doubt?  And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down.”  Matthew 14:29-32

When you take your eyes off Jesus and focus on the storms in your life, you take your eyes off the only one who can calm them and you open the door to fear and doubt.

Peter, a great man of faith, took his eyes off Jesus, and immediately began to sink, realizing that his ability and strength would not save him.

Storms are big, violent and out of control events and are always alarming.

When you are in the storm (an out of control circumstance), your tendency is to look for a solution, often in your own strength and wisdom.

When you do, you take your eyes off the one who is the solution.

In a moment Peter realized his helplessness and called out. Lord, save me!

Jesus pulled him out of the dire circumstance his doubt had caused saying, Oh, you of little faith,

Even though Peter had shown more faith than the others, his faith took him out of the boat and he walked on water.

Rather than praising Peter for his courage, however fleeting, Jesus rebukes him for his little faith.

It was Peters double mindedness that brought him the rebuke.

Peter “lost his confidence when he took his eyes off the source of faith and turned to what he knew – the storm, and its immediate danger.

His loss of focus opened the door to doubt and fear. “Why did you doubt?

He asks you the same question, Why do you doubt?

You know the storms in your life, those things that cause you anxiety, fears and panic. The storms that easily overwhelm you and lead you into hopelessness and doubt.

Your doubt exists only because your circumstances have become more powerful than Jesus.

When Peter suddenly saw his circumstance, he panicked, even though Jesus was standing next to him.

When your circumstances stir up your fear and worry, it is usually to take control and rob you of your faith.

Anything you submit to other than God, including your own abilities and strength, will move you into fear and doubt.
Your faith in Jesus is the only tool you have to challenge and confront fear and doubt.

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33